14″ Wheel Trim


Out of stock

Part Number: 6Q0071454 Category:




Fox 2005 ->
Polo (A04) 2002 -> 2005
Polo (A04) Classic 2003 -> 2005
Polo (A04) Limousine 2004 -> 2010
Polo (A04-GP) 2006 -> 2009
Polo (A05) 2010 -> 2014
Polo (A05) Cross Polo 2010 -> 2014
Polo (A05-GP) 2014 ->
Polo (A05-GP) Cross Polo 2014 ->


Colour: Silver
Dimension of the wheel trim: 14
Contents 1 set = 4 pieces


High quality and elegant: With the genuine Volkswagen 14 inch wheel trim set made of plastic, you enhance the standard steel wheels with a special optic that protects against dirt at the same time.